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Services For Coaches

Rofolin Provide services for the  coaches to help 

Coaches services that we provide to

Buid Your Brand Identity

We have experience working with coaches and are ready to
develop a targeted strategy and plan that’s just right for you.

Interactive Emails

Interactive email can increase click rates by 300%.

Content Marketing

49% of the audience would like to receive promotional emails.

Website for Coaches

81% of small businesses rely on email as their primary customer acquisition method, and 80% for retention.


Rs 3000 is the average expected amount for every Rs 80 spent on Email Marketing.

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When every business is different then why do the same Marketing strategy?

Rofolin Marketing Company will help you to grow differently. Our unique method will boost your branding.

Contact us now!! Get a Quotation from us.


What are the types of Emails used for marketing?

The 4 most common email campaigns are Email Newsletters, Acquisition Emails, Retention Emails, Promotional Emails.

How many Marketers use Email Marketing?

9 out of 10 marketers use Email Marketing as the primary source of organic marketing.

How many Email users are there?

The number of active Email users is said to reach 4.23 billion by the year 2025.

Personalized Email

A personalized email can have a 300% open rate than other types of email.

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Our campaigns get your business in front of the right people at the
right time to increase organic traffic and boost engagement.

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